Friday, May 14, 2010


I have been chubby most of my life. Most of my yearbook pictures after the fourth grade can testify to that. I have tried so many different crash diets. My parents are wonderful, but being generally fit they don't quite understand. I remember as early as middle school having conversations with them about how it was "just my metabolism" and I was sure to overcome it with a new pill that had been released. I tried that and it did nothing for me. I was active. I had been in dance in my early years and then in middle school I was in tennis. When I was in high school and took weight training I was so ready to take on the world and loose an imaculate amount of weight. I realized that what I was doing was not enough. I had less energy and I stressed more. In college I tried a no carb/sugar diet for four months and I was going to the campus gym every weekend with my roommate. One sememster I signed up for an early morning aerobics class. Nothing seemed to work. When I tried I seemed to stay at the same weight rather than loose weight and when I would give up I only gained weight. I now realize that there are flaws with almost everything I've tried. I need to make a life change, not just go on another diet. No pill on it's own is going to be the answer. I can't eat only meat and cheese for four months and expect anything to stay off. I need to reconnect with who I am and who I want to be. I am graduated from college now, married to Handsome Him and have two beautiful children my Princess and my Little Man. I'm starting now. I'm putting everything I thought I knew behind me and I'm going to learn to eat right and love it... I wish you could see the face I make when I think of that. I can't imagine giving up my milk chocolate and my ice cream for brown rice and banana's and 'loving it'. I am going to start exercizing daily and I am going to set the example for my kids. I need all the help I can get! If you want to start making a plan and turn your Chubby You into a Thinner You or even just a Healthier You please join me. We can support each other. I will look forward to all your wonderful comments and advice as I learn and hopefully we can all become a Healthier and Thinner Us!
    ~Chubby Me